
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

JOY #71: this silly commercial.

this made me laugh a little.
i've already been singing the song all morning.

Friday, March 26, 2010

JOY #68: middle-of-the-night painting

a few weeks ago, i started a painting for my bedroom.
click here to watch that joy :)
last night, i could not sleep, so i worked on it a little more.

meg :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


watch this many, many times!
if it racks up enough views by SUNDAY NIGHT, (it's gotta be over about 6,000!) it goes to the final round of voting, which puts me one step closer to possibly jamming onstage w/ ingrid! bah!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

JOY #66: fresh flowers :)

my friend christine brought these over last friday.
... definitely little joy-bringers :)


Monday, March 22, 2010

JOY #65: my high heel falling apart :)

hope this made you laugh a little.

*ps: i know 'accept' should be spelled 'except' in the video. slight typo. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

JOY #64: my invitation to grandparents' day :)

to see the cuteness of william in action, watch
joys 22 and 25.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

JOY #63: parkway runnin!

JOY #62: nashville.

ya know what brings me joy today?
living here in the nash.

here are some reasons why:
(i could come up w/ 100, but i'll start w/ ten)

in no particular order...
10. saturday night swing dances in centennial during the summer
9. frothy monkey
8. benton chapel
7. sweet cece's
6. hillsboro village
7. quaint little neighborhoods like belmont / hillsboro
5. great mix between east and west coast
4. lots of young families
3. the way all the trees look in the fall
2. fish tacos from baja burrito
1. skyline!

joy to you!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

JOY #61: sleepovers w/ stephie!

sometimes i just can't keep up with the videos.
tonight is one of those nights.

my joy of the day in written form:
sleepover w/ stephanie!

if anyone tells you post-college girls don't have sleepovers,
they're wrong-o!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

JOY #59: ingrid's video contest!!

ingrid michaelson is hosting a video contest and the winner gets to perform
onstage. w/. her.

i love ingrid michaelson!
i love making videos!
i would love to perform onstage. w/. her!


entrants have to post their videos on youtube and the 10 w/ the most votes by march 29 advance to the final round of voting.
then, the ONE w/ the most votes wins!

i will post my entry when it is finished.
can you all do me a favor and watch it!?
spread some love!

meg :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

JOY #53: "but i have you to catch me"

i felt as if a massive leaden blanket came and plopped itself right down on top of me.

have you ever felt that way?
it's like
where. is. the. joy?

i felt
absolutely not care-free.

so where is the joy in all of this?
for me, it's in believing that there's always someone there to catch me when i do break/shatter.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

JOY #51: this precious couple :)

what a GLORIOUS day today has been!
if this doesn't make you smile...


ps - this couple has been married for 62 years and the husband is almost 90.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

JOY #50 - cupcakes w/ my mama!

50th post already!??! i cannot believe it!
i'm having so much fun w/ this and cannot wait to continue w/ the remaining 6/7 of these joys!

Friday, March 5, 2010

JOY #49: watching the sun rise :)

holy cow.
look at this sunrise.

ps - song credit goes to mercyme, not newsboys. oops.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

JOY #47: emails from ernie :)

k - just kidding about ernie's column. can't post after all.
here's a little story about kel down in chile, though!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

JOY #46: pretzel :)


by margret rey.
pictures by H.A. rey.

meg :)

Monday, March 1, 2010